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(1)Qing Teng; Quanbao Wen; Zhichao Yang*; Shengyu Liu; Evaluation of the biological flotation reagent obtained from Paenibacillus amylolyticus in magnetite and phlogopite flotation system, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2021 , 610125930

(2)Yongjie Guo, Qing Teng*; Zhichao Yang*; Beilei Sun; Shengyu Liu; Xuan Zhu, Investigation on bio-desilication process of fly ash based on a self-screened strain of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens and its metabolites, Journal of Biotechnology, 2021, 341146-154

(3)Guanchao Li; Qing Teng; Beilei Sun; Zhichao Yang*; Shengyu Liu; Xuan Zhu, Synthesis scaly Ag-TiO2 loaded fly ash magnetic bead particles for treatment of xanthate wastewaterColloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2021 , 624126795

(4) Zhichao Yang *; Teng Qing; Liu Jing; Yang Weiping; Hu Dehao; Liu Shengyu, Use of NaOL and CTAB mixture as collector in selective flotation separation of enstatite and magnetite, Colloids and Surfaces A:Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2019, 570481-486.

(5)Teng Qing*; Wang Hongjun; Effect of silicate bacteria on quartz flotation separation, Separation Science and Technology, 2020, 56(5):982-990

(6) Teng Qing; Feng Yali*; Li Haoran*; Effects of silicate-bacteria pretreatment on desiliconization of magnesite by reverse flotation, Colloidsand Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2018, 544: 60-67.

(7)杨志超*, , 祝瑄, 李官超. 多糖微生物絮凝剂对方解石与闪锌矿的絮凝作用及机理[J]. 金属矿山,2021544(10):108-113

(8)郭永杰,滕 青,杨志超*,刘生玉,温全宝, 解淀粉芽孢杆菌对粉煤灰浸矿脱硅的研究[J].中国矿业, 2021303:130-137

(9)冯雅丽; 滕青; 李浩然; 杨鑫龙; 刘鹏伟; 一种变径塔式热解脱水干燥装置, 2017-04-26, 中国, ZL201510338913.9.